推薦指數: 100
Free kittens to good homes! These are all boys, 2 whites and 2 tuxedos. They are all in the Los Angeles area.
這隻一隻眼睛一眼藍一眼綠喔! This cutie has one blue and one green eyes!
有興趣領養以上貓咪者請聯絡 Sonjia sanjakalelic@hotmail.com
If you are interested please contact Sonjia sanjakalelic@hotmail.com
底下這些則是Eileen的另外一個朋友在家裡閣樓上發現的,一共有10隻,他用奶瓶餵了小貓咪一個月,現在小貓已經開始吃貓食了,大約六到七個禮拜大,可以準備到有愛心,可以好好照顧他們的家庭。有興趣請聯絡Henry & Kim, 310.560.1852 henryt.yamada@sbcglobal.net
These kittens are found somewhere else. Below is what the person who found them wrote:
Anyone looking for a kitten ? I have 10 kittens that we rescued in our attic. They’re all bottle fed and now they’re eating kitten food. They’re about 6 or 7 weeks old and ready to go to good homes the next week or so. Pass on this email to anyone you think will take good care of them. Thanks,
Henry & Kim, 310.560.1852 henryt.yamada@sbcglobal.net
This is Abagail.

This is Spike.

This is Lucky.

This is Blue.

This is Barbosa.

This is Sweet Pea.

This is Sumo.

This is Jackie Sparrow. Any Johnny Depp fan?


This is Kitten.
